POSTING DATE: 22 January 2025

Code Amendment Survey Released

As part of the city's ongoing commitment to protect and enhance public health, safety, and general welfare of the residents, the city is considering amendments to the City's code of ordinances. The City of Junction is inviting you to participate in a community questionnaire to gather your valuable feedback on high-priority issues that impact the community's overall image and quality of life. You can expect the questionnaire to take approximately 10 minutes to complete. This initiative is to hear your voices — whether you work, commute, own property, rent, or live within or close to the city limits. The questionnaire is available online through the following link:

City of Junction Questionaire
The questionnaire will remain open until February 7, 2025.

If you are unable to complete the survey online, you can contact the City Hall for additional ways to participate. For more information, please contact Jessica Relucio at 346-336-4858. The city encourages you to take the time to share your thoughts, as your input will play a critical role in guiding the city's decision-making process. This is a key opportunity for you to engage with local governance and help shape the future of Junction.
POSTING DATE: 14 December 2024


The City of Junction has received a Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) contract under the Community Development Fund from the Texas Department of Agriculture.
La Ciudad de Junction ha recibido un contrato de Subvención en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Texas (TxCDBG) bajo el Fondo de Desarrollo Comunitario del Departamento de Agricultura de Texas.

View Entire Notice

Council Proposes Budget for Year-ending 2025

This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by $43,383.68 which is a 6.2% increase, and of that amount $4,504.12 is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year.
Download Budget Details
POSTING DATE: 8/13/2024

Tax Rates Submitted to Council

Tax Code Section 26.04(c) requires an officer or employee designated by the governing body to calculate the no-new-revenue (NNR) tax rate and voter-approval tax rate for the taxing unit. These tax rates are expressed in dollars per $100 of taxable value calculated. The calulation process starts after the chief appraiser delivers to the taxing unit the certified appraisal roll and the estimated values of properties under protest. The designated officer or employee shall certify that the officer of employee has accurately calculated the tax rates and used values shown for the certified appraisal roll or certified estimate. The officer or employee submits the rates to the governing body by Aug. 7 or as soon thereafter as practicable.
The NNR tax rate enables the public to evaluate the relationship between taxes for the prior year and for the current year based on a tax rate that would produce the same amount of taxes (no new taxes) if applied to the same properteis that are taxed in both years. When appraisal values increase, the NNR tax rate shoud decrease.

No-New-Revenue Tax Rate: $ 0.349522 /$100
The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that a taxing unit may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate.

Voter-Approval Tax Rate: $ 0.362452 /$100
De minimis rate: $ 0.609666 /$100
POSTING DATE: 04/26/2023


The City of Junction is giving notice of the city's intent to submit a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program grant application for a Community Development Fund grant request of up to $500,000 for a water improvement project in the City of Junction, Texas. The application is available for review at Junction City Hall during regular business hours.
La Ciudad de Junction notifica su intención de presentar una solicitud de subvención del Programa de Subsidios en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Texas para una solicitud de subvención del Fondo de Desarrollo Comunitario de hasta $500,000 para un proyecto de mejora del agua en la Ciudad de Junction. La solicitud está disponible para su revisión en Junction City Hall durante el horario comercial habitual.

Land of Living Waters

Junction is a rural ranching community nestled deep within a fertile Texas Hill Country river valley. The City derives its name from its location at the convergence of the North and South Llano rivers. Though named for its rivers, Junction could very well have been named for the many roads that meet here. The most prominent junction of roads is the intersection of Interstate Highway 10 and US Highways 83, 290 and 377 which come together just west of where the rivers join. Numerous other Rural Routes, Farm To Market and County Roads meet here as well.

Junction derives its official nick name " The Land of Living Waters " from the fact that there is more flowing water in Junction and Kimble County than any other county in the state.

The second most abundant natural resource in Junction is friendly people. Come to Junction for a visit or for a lifetime. Either way, you are sure to meet some of the friendliest folks you've ever known.

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